San Carlos High School
Class of 1974
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Craig Lares
I am excited to attend the reunion to catch up with old friends!
I obtained my engineering degree from UC Davis and followed with an MBA from Santa Clara before joining the family dental drill manufacturing business full time in 79', becoming President in 1985. We sell our products worldwide so I have had the opportunity to travel both domestically and internationally.
I have been living in Chico since moving the business (40 employees) here in 1989 and have enjoyed the small town setting and proximity to outdoor recreation.
My first wife (Deanna class of 75') and I raised two children (Joey and Katie) before divorcing after 20 years. I remarried (Cindy)9 years ago.
My daughter is a fashion designer living in Manhatten and my son teaches marching band for the University of San Francisco and lives in the city.
I enjoy fishing (flyfishing for trout), hunting (ducks mainly) hiking in the Sierra's, travel, and the daily challenge of running a business.
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